Making life easy for internationals living in the Netherlands
- Local support includes a personal relocation assessment and 3rd party recommendations
- Dutch language courses help you settle-in smoothly and build new local relationships
- Boost Your Dutch Programme offers Dutch courses from starter to intermediate level
- Local support and Dutch courses also available for international employees
Call Monique directly on: +31 (0)6 497 68 628 or e-mail to:
Our mission is to help internationals settle-in and and enjoy their life in the Netherlands
Monique den Haan has been helping internationals in the Amsterdam region for over a decade. She founded Amstel Expats to provide expat clients with relocation support during their transition to the Netherlands.
In 2018, Monique launched the Boost Your Dutch Language Programme to make it easier for internationals to settle and understand the locals. Her local knowledge and relocation expertise have proven to be very valuable for making lessons interesting and keeping clients motivated.
Relocating to another country is exciting & challenging, as there is much to organise.
You will have to rebuilt your professional and personal life. Bringing over a partner and/or family might bring some concerns, as you are looking to ensure they settle easily into their new surroundings.
Upon arrival many relocation tasks need to be completed, incl. registration at local authorities, utilities and opening a bank account. You will also have to apply for local health insurance and -if children are involved- find a good school. Amstel Expats Coaching Packages are ideally suited to help you with your local queries.
For more information, go to Local Support
Learning Dutch is fun & using Dutch in practice enriches your local life.
Boost Your Dutch courses are specially developed to help you getting to grips with the Dutch language. Our interactive language lessons include custom-made materials, tools and exercises (no books required).
We take advantage of your international skill-set and provide native insights instead of just learning lots of rules. Since your personal experience is vital for success, our goal is to ensure that your Dutch lessons are practical, informative & fun.
For more information, go to Learn Dutch or visit our special course-website Boost Your Dutch
Any questions? Call Monique: +31 (0)6 497 68 628, or e-mail: