Welcome to Amstel Expat Support
- Moving to the Netherlands, how to find reliable local information specific to your personal situation?
- English is spoken by most Dutch people, but what about completing Dutch (application) forms?
- Not here just by yourself? The critical succes factor is a well-settled partner & children
- As an employer, how to ensure your international employees successfully complete their assignments?
Having worked and lived abroad myself, I experienced the trials and tribulations of an international relocation process through real-life. Being a parent and raising a bilingual family I understand family requirements and have extensive knowledge of local services & practices in the Amsterdam region. (Monique den Haan, founder of Amstel Expats)
The Employer Perspective Their ability to cope with change is a valuable asset of internationals. Moving abroad requires people to totally rebuilt their life. To do so succesfully, they have to show: eagerness, determination, bravery and leadership skills. How to help them thrive in their new jobs? Lessons learned in top sport about performance excellence are making their way into business environments, such as: get into the right rhythm a.s.a.p. and also provide enough opportunities to rest/recover. Or, translated into expat terms: quickly build new routines, eat & sleep well, organise personal affairs. It is important to realise that these more personal needs are essential to achieving excellent job performance. More… |
The Expat Perspective Relocating to another country is both exciting and challenging, as there is much to organise in your professional and your personal life. Bringing over a partner and/or family might cause extra concerns, as you are looking to ensure they settle easily into their new surroundings. Fortunately, the Amsterdam region hosts good schools, lots of sports facilities and it is easy to get around, especially if you dare to cycle! My advice is to prepare well beforehand and understand the steps to be taken along the way. Our support starts with identifying your specific needs and providing you with your very own personal checklist, recommended service providers and hands-on assistance. More… |
Amstel Expats support packages reduce risk and stress, shorten the adjustment process and help employees to remain focused on work goals, whilst accompanying family members feel supported and settle quickly. We understand the importance of having a local sparring partner. Someone who knows how things work in the Netherlands.
Our approach is not to take over organising your life, but to ensure you stay in control and keep your spirits up! Download our best expat survival tips! |
Contact us directly to discuss your needs!
Amstel Expats, your local sparring partner in the Netherlands